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Monday, May 9, 2011

Cheat Dota AI

Dibawah ini adalah cheat code untuk warcraf3, juga bisa di gunakan untuk permainan dota. Semoga dapat membantu anda. Thank’s
Iseedeadpeople = Remove fog of war
allyourbasearebelongtous = Instant victory
somebodysetupusthebomb = Instant defeat
thereisnospoon = Unlimited mana
whosyourdaddy = God mode
strengthandhonor = Disable defeat conditions
itvexesme = Disable victory conditions
greedisgood = Receive 500 gold and lumber
greedisgood #= Receive # gold and lumber
keysersoze = Receive 500 gold
keysersoze # = Receive # gold
leafittome = Receive 500 lumber
leafittome # = Receive # lumber
pointbreak = Removes food limit
warpten = Speeds construction of buildings and units
iocainepowder = Fast death/decay
whoisjohngalt = Fast research
sharpandshiny = Research upgrades
synergy = Disable tech tree requirements
riseandshine = Set time to dawn
lightsout = Set time to dusk
daylightsavings = Set time of the day
daylightsavings = Toggle daylight progression
motherland = Level select
thedudeabides = Cool down

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Cara mencegah agar komputer tidak terkena virus

Berikut adalah beberapa hal agar komputer tidak gampang terkena virus:
1. Menggunakan antivirus yang selalu di update secara berkala. Lakukan update secara otomatis jika komputer terhubung ke internet atau secara manual dengan mendownload file update kemudian diinstalkan ke antivirus. Hal ini bertujuan agar antivirus dapat mengenali dan membasmi virus-virus baru yang terus bermunculan. Hal ini menjadi penting dilakukan jika pengguna komputer selalu menggunakan flashdisk atau perangkat lain yang selalu berpindah-pindah komputer atau sering digunakan di internet yang mana kemungkinan akan membawa virus-virus baru yang dapat menular ke komputernya. Atau jika komputer selalu digunakan untuk internet-an. Update bisa dilakukan setiap 1 atau 2 minggu sekali, tapi ini tergantung juga dari penyedia antivirus dalam layanan update.

2. Untuk komputer yang terhubung ke jaringan, selalu gunakan firewall untuk mencegah virus dan gangguan lain seperti hacker dan sebagainya.

3. Lakukan scan virus pada flashdisk atau harddisk eksternal yang masuk ke komputer yang sebelumnya digunakan di komputer lain. Hal ini menjadi penting apalagi bagi pengguna komputer yang memakai antivirus portabel (tidak perlu instalasi dan langsung digunakan).

4. Tidak membuka atau mengeksekusi file yang berasal dari komputer lain yang mencurigakan, seperti misalnya file atau folder yang berekteksi *.exe (application) yang terlihat mencurigakan.

5. Banyak virus yang menggunakan ikon mirip folder Windows, Anda harus berhati-hati karena jika membuka folder ini maka virus bisa aktif dan menginfeksi sistem komputer Anda, apalagi Anda membuka folder dari flashdisk yang telah Anda gunakan di komputer lain atau internet. Agar anda tidak salah mana yang folder asli atau folder bervirus, maka selalu gunakan Windows Explorer dan membuka folder dari explorer tersebut (dengan klik tanda plus dan klik folder yang diinginkan, yang kemudian isi folder akan tertampil di sebelah kanan halaman.

6. Berhati-hati jika membuka pada menu autorun, yaitu menu dialog yang muncul sesaat perangkat luar seperti flasdisk atau cd/dvd-rom di masukkan ke komputer. Karena bisa jadi menu-menu ini sudah diubah oleh virus, jadi bukannya membuka file tapi justru membuka virus. Jadi jangan dibuka jika ada perbedaan menu atau tulisan seperti “Open folder to view file, using Application”. Menu autorun ini muncul jika fungsi autorun pada Windows aktif.

7. Untuk mengantisipasi terbukanya file virus oleh pengguna komputer lewat menu autorun atau agar virus tidak dapat dijalankan secara otomatis saat memasukkan media luar seperti flashdisk, maka dapat menonaktifkan fungsi autorun atau autoplay pada Windows. Dengan menonaktifkan fungsi autorun pada Windows, maka kotak menu tidak akan muncul dan virus yang memanfaatkan file autorun.inf yang berada di dalam flashdisk tidak akan dijalankan secara otomatis saat flashdisk dimasukkan ke komputer.

8. Untuk data-data penting seperti dokumen Ms Word, Excel dan file-file lain yang memiliki ekstensi .exe, Anda dapat mengkompresi ke file .Zip atau .RAR (dengan program WinZip atau WinRar). Hal ini karena dapat mencegah virus menginfeksi data-data Anda. Setelah dikompresi maka Anda dapat menghapus data Anda yang lama. Untuk menjalankan file Anda dapat lakukan ekstrak file atau langsung membuka file .Zip atau .RAR tersebut kemudian klik file yang ingin Anda buka. Keuntungan lain yaitu file-file Anda di dalam .Zip atau .RAR ukurannya menjadi lebih kecil karena terkompresi. Sebelumnya pastikan bahwa file-file yang ingin Anda kompres tidak terdapat file virus.
9. Banyak virus yang menginfeksi dokumen Ms Word dengan ekstensi .doc, yang kemudian dokumen tersebut akan berubah menjadi berekstensi .exe. Oleh karena itu agar terhindar dari serangan virus seperti ini maka ubahlah file-file .doc menjadi ekstensi .rtf (rich text format), karena masih jarang virus yang menyerang file .rtf. Dan jika Anda mengetik dengan Ms Word maka simpanlah dengan format .rtf.

10. Gunakan program-program pencegah virus yang dapat secara permanen menginfeksi sistem komputer seperti Deep Freeze, System Protect dan sebagainya.

Plus, Anti Virus yang handal seperti:
- Kaspersky
- Avira
- Ansav
- Smadav
- Avast
- Dan Lain''

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Tugas Bahasa Inggris


1. If I had the they off tomorrow, I would go o the beach
2. If I had a million dollars right now, I would retire.
3. If I were the mayor of this city, I would change certain things.
4. If that man worked harder, he could earn more money.
5. I would gladly tell you the answer, if I only known it myself.
6. If don’t and I had enough money, we would buy a house.
7. If he weather were better right now, we could go for a walk.
8. That student would get much higher marks, if he studied herder.
9. If Mr. Smith called me, I would explain everything to him.
10. Mr. moore would give up teaching if he enjoyed, not it so much.
11. If I were in your place, I would accept Mr. Anderson’s offer.
12. People would understand you better if you spoken more carefully.


1. If George had had the money, he would have lent it to me.
2. I would have spoken to Frank if I had seen him yesterday.
3. If the weather had were better, we would have left Friday morning.
4. Alice would have told you the truth if you had asked her about it.
5. If you had studied a little harder, you would have passed the test.
6. I could have lent you some money if I had spend, not everything.
7. If there had were any complains, we would have heard about them.
8. We would have gone with Fred last Friday if me had invited us.
9. If you had asked, only me, I could easily have given you the answer.
10. Bill would have taken more photographs if he had has more film.
11. If Tom had were here yesterday, he would have been able to advise us.
12. We would have bought that house if the price had were a little lower.
13. If they had needed any help with the work, they would have called us.


1. If you had taken my advice, you will succeed
2. I would have had less trouble if, you want to help me
3. If anyone had asked me about it, I will answer it
4. Our dog Saki would have barked if, you tried to disturb
5. If I had been in your place, I would feel happy
6. Bill wouldn’t have said anything if, he did not know what they mean
7. If you had followed my instructions, would not be wrong
8. You wouldn’t have lost your money if, you are not careless.
9. If John had taken better care of his car, his car would be fine.
10. We couldn’t have gone n our trip if, no vehicle to get there.
11. If you ha only left your house earlier, you must lock all the doors of your house.
12. It would have been much better if, you can keep your emotions.
13. If my watch hadn’t been five minutes slow, I’m not going to be late.
14. Things would have been different if, we differentiate it.
15. If I had been bom a century ago, I would not be here now.


1. Unless you leave immediately, I will call a policeman.
2. Fred wouldn’t do that unless he had your permission.
3. I won’t bother to call you unless I hear from Mr. Brown.
4. Unless you agreed with him, Charles wouldn’t even suggest it.
5. We can write to Mr. Suzuki unless he sends us his address.
6. Unless you study herder, you’re going to fail the examination.
7. I wouldn’t have believed it unless I seen it with my own eyes.
8. Unless she start the letter how, she will have to do it tomorrow.
9. The lawyer wouldn’t say that unless he had strong evidence.
10. Unless you invested your money wisely, you will lose all of it.
11. I won’t say anything unless smith bring up the metter himself.
12. Unless more guests come. There will be enough food for everyone.
13. Our dog wouldn’t have barked unless he heard a strange noise.

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